Fimmtudaginn 16. febrúar verður frumflutt nýtt verk eftir Svein Lúðvík Björnsson, The Groom of the Stool, fyrir einleiksfagott. Frumflutningurinn fer fram í Mengi, Óðinsgötu 2, á tónleikum í tilefni af opnun nýs vefs um íslenska fagotttónlist. Verkið er samið fyrir Kristínu Mjöll Jakobsdóttur sem frumflytur verkið. Vefurinn er verkefni hennar í Hagnýtri menningarmiðlun við Háskóla Íslands. Veffang vefsins er

Thursday February 16th a new piece, the Groom of the Stool, for solo bassoon by Icelandic composer Sveinn Lúðvík Björnsson will be premiered at Mengi, Óðinsgötu 2, Reykjavík. The premiere is on the occasion of the launch of a new website on Icelandic bassoon music, The work is composed for bassoonist Kristín Mjöll Jakobsdóttir who will perform it in the opening concert. The website is one of her projects for her studies in Applied Studies in Culture and Communication at the University of Iceland.

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