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Kristin Mjöll Jakobsdottir – Iceland Bassoon Music

About Kristin Mjöll Jakobsdottir

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So far Kristin Mjöll Jakobsdottir has created 5 blog entries.

Fagotterí – frumflutningur / premiere

Fimmtudaginn 16. febrúar verður frumfluttur fagottkvartettinn Fagotterí eftir Ísfirðinginn Jónas Tómasson. Frumflutningurinn fer fram í Mengi, á tónleikum í tilefni af opnun nýs vefs um íslenska fagotttónlist. Jónas samdi Fagotterí í tilefni þess að til stóð að halda fagottnámskeið á Ísafirði í júní 1991. Tveir kaflar úr verkinu voru fluttir á lokatónleikum námskeiðsins en kvartettinn verður í fyrsta sinn fluttur í heild sinni á tónleikunum í

The Groom of the Stool – Frumflutningur / Premiere

Fimmtudaginn 16. febrúar verður frumflutt nýtt verk eftir Svein Lúðvík Björnsson, The Groom of the Stool, fyrir einleiksfagott. Frumflutningurinn fer fram í Mengi, Óðinsgötu 2, á tónleikum í tilefni af opnun nýs vefs um íslenska fagotttónlist. Verkið er samið fyrir Kristínu Mjöll Jakobsdóttur sem frumflytur verkið. Vefurinn er verkefni hennar í Hagnýtri menningarmiðlun við Háskóla Íslands. Veffang vefsins er www.bassoon.is. Thursday February 16th a new

Related Links

Related Links Education http://www.musicandthebassoon.org/ www.orchestralbassoon.com/ http://olekristiandahl.net/ http://www.steesbassoon.com/ Reeds www.bassoonreeds.eu http://www.bassoon-web.de/ Bassoon Makers http://www.heckel.de/ http://www.puchner.com/ http://www.b-moosmann.de/en/ http://www.weisbergsystems.com/ Jobs and more http://www.auditioncafe.org/ https://www.musicalchairs.info/ https://www.idrs.org/ Bassoonists http://olekristiandahl.net/ http://www.kristianomaronnes.com/ http://bramvansambeek.com/ http://www.steesbassoon.com/ http://www.saxtonrose.com/ http://pergram.org/ http://davidawells.com/ Music Stores http://www.trevcomusic.com/ http://www.juneemerson.co.uk/ https://webshop.donemus.com/ http://imslp.org/ New Music www.adjectivenewmusic.com https://bandestration.com/ Listening https://www.naxosmusiclibrary.com/ Facebook United Bassoonists IDRS

Fagotterí in Mengi – Launch of new website

A unique event will take place at Mengi on February 16th at 9pm. On the event of a new website on Icelandic bassoon music being launched an all bassoon music concert will take place. Highlights of the program include a premiere of a new work for solo bassoon by Sveinn Lúðvík Björnsson and a bassoon quartet by Jónas Tómasson.  A

Hafdís Bjarnadóttir – An Interview

“I think I am a bit of a mixer” A youtube interview with Hafdís Bjarnadóttir, composer, has just been published. In the interview she tells us about her background and describes the creative process behind her work Já! for solo bassoon and eletronics composed in 2012 for Kristín Mjöll Jakobsdóttir. The composition reflects Hafdís’ background as an electric guitarist. It is full

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