Icelandic Bassoonists
Brjánn Ingason studied bassoon with Hafsteinn Guðmundsson at FÍH Music School in Reykjavík, Martin Gatt at Guildhall School of Music in London, Torleiv Nedberg at the Norwegian State Academy of Music in Oslo and with John Moustard at Sweelinck Concervatorium, Amsterdam. He played with various orchestras and chamber groups in Norway and Holland and has been bassoonist with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra since 1991. He is a member of the Caput Ensemble.
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Darri Mikaelsson was born in 1970. He graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with AGSM. Darri moved to Iceland in 1993 and has since, as well as teaching music, played with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, the North Iceland Symphony Orchestra, the Reykjavík Woodwind Quintet and the Caput Ensemble. He also plays regularly for the Icelandic Opera and the Icelandic National Theatre.
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Kristín Mjöll Jakobsdóttir holds a Master’s Degree from Yale School of Music and a Certificate Diploma from Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam. She spent seven years in Hong Kong as a freelance musician and music teacher, including a one year position with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, before moving back to her native Iceland in 1998. Read more
Contact Kristín Mjöll
Michael Kaulartz, born 1989 in Landau / Palatinate, got his first bassoon lesson at the age of eight from the local bassoon teacher Bernhard Koelber. After three weeks he played in his first chamber orchestra. He quickly got fascinated by this instrument and by playing in twelve different youth and chamber orchestras aside the chamber music he also performed. Later he continued his studies with Prof. Ole Kristian Dahl in Mannheim. Read more
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Rúnar H. Vilbergsson studied bassoon with Sigurður Markússon at the Reykjavík College of Music completing a soloist diploma in 1979. He furthered his sutdies in Amsterdam with Joep Terwey at Sweelinck Conservatorium. Rúnar is a member of various orchestras and chamber ensembles, such as the Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra and the Icelandic Opera Orchestra. He has been a member of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra since 1988.
Contact Rúnar

Snorri Heimisson started playing the flute at the age of nine. In his second year at the Icelandic wind teacher department he chose the bassoon as a second instrument and after that there was no turning back. He graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Music in 2003 with diploma in orchestral playing. Snorri has played with the Icelandic Symhony Orchestra, the Icelandic Opera Orchestra, Aton, Ísafold and Caput Ensamble. He conducted the Icelandic workers wind band from 2007-2011. In the years 2003-2005 Snorri tought the art of bassoon playing at Gladsaxe musik-og billedskole and Farum musikskole in Denmark.
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